
Interested in using your talents to help our Chapter succeed?

President, Jacquelyn A. Hannigan, PP, PLS at 215-772-2292 or

Audit.  Audits the Treasurer’s books at the end of the fiscal year and presents a written report to the Board within sixty (60) days from the end of the fiscal year (April 30). Legal Education Reimbursement Fund.  Reviews submitted reimbursement forms and draws the winner(s) at the Installation Banquet.
Branding/Marketing.  Publicizes the mission and activities of NALS of Philadelphia. Logo Items/Chapter Marketing.  Selects items containing the logo to promote or market NALS of Philadelphia.
Bulletin.  Prepares and distributes NALS of Philadelphia’s quarterly publication. Lunch-n-Learn.  Plans topics, secures speaker, and executes arrangements for NALS of Philadelphia educational lunchtime programs.
Community Activities.  Organizes pro bono activities for NALS of Philadelphia members. Membership.  Recruits new members, holds an annual membership drive, and encourages member involvement.
Educational Dinner Programs.  Plans topics, secures speaker, and executes arrangements for NALS of Philadelphia educational dinner programs. Nominations and Elections.  Conducts the annual and special nominations and elections (if any) of officers held each fiscal year.
Employment.  Maintains information concerning available employment opportunities for NALS of Philadelphia members. Saturday Education Program Plans and executes the arrangements for a Saturday seminar program.
Features Editor Obtains member spotlight profiles and interesting articles and other information for inclusion in NALS of Philadelphia’s Bulletin. Social Media.  Regularly posts items of interest in the legal profession (from legal blogs) and other NALS of Philadelphia news on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Fundraising Generates ideas for and coordinates all fundraising efforts for NALS of Philadelphia. Vendor Program.  Updates and handles the Vendor Member Program securing vendor sponsorship for NALS of Philadelphia.
Holiday Bazaar.  Plans and executes the arrangements for the annual holiday bazaar, a marketplace of crafters and other vendors. Ways and Means.  Secure raffle items for each educational conference held throughout the fiscal year.
Installation Banquet.  Plans and executes the arrangements for annual Administrative Professionals Day Dinner and Installation of Officers held each year on Administrative Professionals Day.  Website.  Regularly updates and maintains NALS of Philadelphia’s website.